Washington, D.C. Chapter History

Our Foundation


In 1938, through contacts with relatives and friends, news about the Philadelphia Jack and Jill club that Marion Thomas started for her children and their friends spread throughout the East Coast. Elinor McGuire, Lillian Howard Huffman, and former Philadelphia Club member, Lillian Baugh Perry, were all personal friends of Marion's. So, with her encouragement, ten mothers met at the home of Elinor McGuire for the purpose of initiating a Jack and Jill club in Washington, DC. Our "founding trio" -- Elinor, Lillian Bailey, and Lillian Perry, previously met to lay the groundwork and formulate club plans. In 1940, they completed their plans. They were dedicated to carrying out the philosophy set forth by Mrs. Marion Turner Stubbs — the idea of having children meet socially for play and activity. The mothers agreed to the idea and officers were elected with Elinor McGuire serving as the first president.


On March 16, 1940, Washington, D.C. became the third Jack and Jill club following Philadelphia and New York. Elinor was elected as the first president; Lillian B. Perry was elected as vice president and chair of the Mother's Program Committee; and Lillian C. Bailey as secretary. Other elected officers were Doris Gregory, treasurer, and Angela T. Hayes chair of the Children's Activities Committee. Under the leadership of Elinor McGuire, the club held interesting mother's meetings and delightful children's activities. In 1938, Elinor McGuire wrote in a letter to the members of the Washington, D.C. Jack and Jill Club, which stated in part:


"Our purpose was to bring together children of our friends, giving them the opportunity not only to form friendship, but to play together, to learn together through cultural activities and to grow and develop into good citizens."


The first year was a success as the club grew in strength and purpose. Interesting and stimulating children's activities were planned. For many years, the meetings were combined with activities at the Phyllis Wheatley YWCA where youngsters shared toys from a large box made by mothers. By the end of June 1941, the first Mother's Banquet and Family Picnic were held. Our first charitable contributions were made to the Behavior Clinic at Freedman's Hospital (Howard University Hospital); and in 1941, the mothers sent a deserving child from the community to Camp Clarissa Scott. The club also donated oxygen tents to Freedman's Hospital. In 1942, the archives compiled and the club presented our first scrapbook with pictures of all the chapter families. Our first constitution was written and adopted and dues were set at 25 cents per child. Charter member Burma Whitted recalled in 1988, "We used ideas from Parents Magazine for discussion groups."


From the beginning, the group focused on the children — forging friendships and fashioning cultural, civic and service activities when options were limited by the segregated society. After four successful years in Philadelphia, New York, and Washington, enthusiasm and interest in Jack and Jill spread westward. In 1946, Mrs. Dorothy Wright, president of the Philadelphia club, felt that Jack and Jill had reached a point when consideration of organizing groups into a national organization was indicated. The national organization was born on June 1, 1946, when representatives of eight of the ten former clubs — Philadelphia, New York, Washington, D.C., Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Columbus, Baltimore and Boston -- met to lay plans for the national organization. In August 1947, Jack and Jill was incorporated.


The Washington, D.C. Chapter flourished during World War II, and by 1942 had 60 members. In 1952, dues were up to $8.50 per member and there continued to be many successful social and service activities. The chapter eagerly planned for the Teen Conference scheduled for June 1953 on the campus of Howard University.


Years 20 through 70


In 1960, the chapter celebrated its 20th anniversary with a reunion and a play performed by the children. All the age groups had exciting events and the teen dance was very successful. The chapter continued through the 1970s and 1980s to produce imaginative and successful programs for children. The annual fundraisers were spectacular events, generating media publicity and raising record funds for the benefit of local charities. One very successful event in 1974 was the world premiere at the Kennedy Center of the opera Til Victory is Won.


In 1974, in an effort to give back to the community, the chapter raised funds to contribute to many organizations serving children and seniors. The chapter raised $17,000 in 1974 at the "Christmas Shoppe" fundraiser. The proceeds went to furnish the pediatric playroom at Howard University Hospital. The chapter also partnered with Africare and the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Incorporated to build a birthing clinic and safe drinking wells in Mali, West Africa. Washington, D.C. Chapter mothers ably served as regional and national officers of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated.


In 1990, the chapter commemorated its 50th Anniversary with a luncheon at the Blackburne Center at Howard University. It was truly memorable in that Jack and Jill Founder, Marion Stubbs Thomas, then National President Nellie Thornton, and most of the surviving chapter presidents and officers were in attendance.


In 2000, the chapter celebrated its 60th Anniversary with a formal dinner and dance that included a historical video for chapter members, coordinated by Stacey Reddick and Sheryl Lucas. Many past presidents were interviewed on tape for this video. In 2005, we celebrated our 65th anniversary with a candle lighting ceremony and reception honoring our founders. The same year, the chapter hosted the Eastern Regional Mothers Conference, which included an evening cruise on the Potomac River.


On March 13, 2010, the chapter celebrated its 70th Anniversary with a black-tie affair at the Pentagon City Ritz Carlton attended by approximately 370 adults and children. The event, chaired by Lori Soto, was also the chapter's annual fundraiser. More than $46,000 was raised and donated to the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Horizon's Greater Washington, and Extra-Ordinary Life.


The Next 15 Years


History was made when Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States in 2008.  To celebrate the occasion, Chapter President Malva Daniel Reid, hosted our Children’s Inaugural Ball at St. Paul’s Rock Creek Church.  When President Obama was re-elected in 2012, the chapter played a significant role in the 2012 Inaugural activities hosted by the National Executive Board of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Specifically, the chapter helped to coordinate the Jack & Jill Pink, White & Blue Ball on January 18 and 19, 2012 and the Inaugural Church Service at Metropolitan AME Church on January 20, 2012. Washington, D.C. Chapter Senior Teen President Gloria Walker (Gloria Lawlah-Walker) and Senior Teen Vice President Adam Reid (Malva Daniel Reid) made a presentation to Metropolitan AME Church on behalf of the National Executive Board.


Leila Batties served as Chapter President from 2012 to 2014, and then was appointed by Eastern Regional Director Mondi Kumbula-Fraser to serve as the first Eastern Regional Community Service chair.  In this role, she worked with representatives from each Eastern Region Cluster to coordinate a region-wide Martin Luther King Day of Service (MLK Day of Service).  She also organized book drives at each Cluster to start and expand Jack and Jill reading rooms across the Eastern Region.


The Ritz-Carlton Washington, D.C. was the site of the chapter’s 75th Anniversary Gala, which took place on March 7, 2015.  Gina Adams was the chapter president for this grand affair, which included a check presentation in the amount of $75,000 to the Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC) and an after-party featuring a special celebrity performance by Doug E. Fresh.  The program included remarks from two children in the chapter, Group 4’s Thomas Batties (Lelila Batties) and Group 7’s Spenser Adams (Gina Adams), Mayor Muriel E. Bowser, and Washington, D.C. Chapter Associate Dayle Walden Hall.  Local news anchor, Andrea Roane, served as Mistress of Ceremonies.  In July of 2015, more than 10 families from the chapter joined President Gina Adams at The Atlantis Paradise Island resort in the Bahamas for the Eastern Region Conference.


In 2018, the chapter hosted the Eastern Region at the Southern Cluster Area Workday and Rhonda Davis Smith served as chair.  Over 900 mothers and children participated in the event, which took place at The Renaissance Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C.  Also, that year, under the leadership of the Immediate Past President Debbi Jarvis and President Kim Ford, the chapter mentored and installed the second chapter in Washington, D.C, the Nation’s Capital Chapter.


Ten families from the chapter joined President Kim Ford for the 2019 Eastern Region Conference in Jamaica.  At the conference, the chapter received, for the first time, the Jack and Jill Five Star recognition, and the chapter was awarded the Eastern Region Chapter of the Year, Second Place.  2019 was also the year that Fundraising Committee Co-chairs, Kelli Perkins and Tina Hamilton Easter created Bubbles, Bourbon & Bones.  This party for a purpose has become a signature event, raising proceeds for the chapter’s local fundraising beneficiaries.  In 2019, the chapter also received First Place recognition within Metropolitan Washington DC for its contributions to the March of Dimes.


Past President Kim Ford held multiple leadership roles at the Eastern Region level, including Regional Chapter Development chair from 2019 to 2023 where she mentored and advised chapter presidents, assisted chapters in managing conflicts and led conflict resolution training at Eastern Area Workdays;  Regional Conference Committee chair from 2020 to 2022 where she was involved in managing all of the conference committees for teen and regional conferences; and she served as a member of the Regional Nominating Committee from 2019to 2021.


Yvonne Williams served as President from 2020 to 2022, leading the chapter during a time when the world was “put on lockdown” because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Meetings and activities were held virtually, including the National Convention, and the Eastern Region Conference and Teen Conference.  On December 6, 2020, the chapter had a virtual celebration to commemorate its 80th anniversary.  For the occasion, families picked up prepared meals and champagne from The Park at 14th restaurant in the late morning; and in the afternoon, logged onto their computers to watch a video documentary that chronicled the history of the chapter.  The video was coordinated by Chapter Historian Joigie Hayes Tolson and narrated by Tommie Duncan.


During Jennifer Joyner Hall’s tenure as President from 2022 to 2024, the goal for the chapter, and organization generally, was to facilitate in-person activities, programming, and meetings in order to establish connections with new members and provide our children with an opportunity to socialize after two years of pandemic social isolation.


The chapter supported the National Organization’s 85th Founders’ Day Celebration, which was held from January 27 to 29, 2023, at the J.W. Marriott in downtown Washington, DC.  The chapter also developed strategic partnerships and fundraisers with businesses and lifestyle brands, including Edens, Blue Mercury, and David Yurman to host events, like JUMOKE and Jills Chills, and fundraisers.  Also, in June of 2024, the chapter hosted its first mother’s retreat at the Landsdowne Resort in Virginia, which was chaired by Dr. Aeva Doomes and Nakeasha Sanders-Small.


85 Years of Legacy


Today, 176 mothers and 284 children make up the Washington, D.C. Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. In some cases, they represent up to three generations of Jack and Jill from chapters around the nation. We are chapter steeped in tradition, history, pride and diversity, and 85 years after our beginning, we remain focused on promoting the aims of our founders through sound programming, meaningful service, generous support of our community organizations and the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, and a robust collective spirit of family.


The Washington, D.C. Chapter has a wonderful heritage as women of dedication to our children and our community, as women of outstanding talent and resources, and as women of vision and promise. We are challenged and inspired by our history. The Washington, D.C. Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was founded 85 years ago by mothers concerned about the impact of segregation and opportunities not afforded their children. They came together as friends who literally worked together, lived together, and played together. Today, our children, families and social circles are diverse and opportunities are available; yet we reflect upon our past and envision our future to develop ways to ensure our Jack and Jill village flourishes despite our multi-faceted lives.





"JUMOKE" is a Yoruba term meaning “one who loves the child.”  Each February, the chapter sponsors "JUMOKE" to increase awareness of African culture to our children and children in the community. The program was conceived in 1989, when Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated and Africare collaborated to sponsor "JUMOKE," a program designed to help our children gain a broader view of the world; increase the knowledge, appreciation and enthusiasm of Africa among African American families; and heighten awareness among adults and youth to potential careers in international development, diplomacy and business. February 22, 2014, marked the 25th anniversary of JUMOKE.


Family Fitness Day

The first Family Fitness Day was held on April 29, 2012, at the field at Shepherd Elementary School.  The event was inspired by our national board’s Healthy Living Initiative and First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign.  At Family Fitness Day, mothers, fathers, and children participate in activities like Zumba, flag football, soccer, relay races, stepping, boot camp, and tug-o-war to promote a fun and active lifestyle.  The Washington, D.C. mayor and councilmembers have regularly attended the event and it has been featured in the Washington PostFamily Fitness Day celebrated its 10th Anniversary on April 24, 2022.  Washington D.C. chapter member Nayamka Long served as chair of Family Fitness Day from 2017 to 2024.


Gavel Club

The Gavel Club of the Washington, D.C. Chapter was formed in 2018, with Wendy Gadson serving as the inaugural chair.  Gaveliers in grades 5 through 12 meet every Sunday at the Shepherd Park Library to engage in activities that build confidence and develop their oratorical skills.  The Gavel Club follows the curriculum from the Competent Communicators Manual of Toastmasters International, and does a variety of programming including annual holiday vision boarding as well as an end of year celebration. Two members of the Gavel Club, Alex Edwards (Tracy Edwards) and Addison Rose (Tiffany Rose), won the Division I Southern Cluster Oratory Contest and then went on to win the Oratory Contest at the Eastern Region’s Teen Conference. 


The Civil Rights Trip

During her time in the Washington, D.C. chapter, Denise Gibson Baily coordinated several Civil Rights trips for our Jacks and Jills.  The 2013 trip won the Eastern Region award for Best Programming Activity.  The 2017 Civil Rights Trip was led by Kim Barnette, Bernardine Evans, Tina Hamilton Easter, and Erika Martin.  In 2023, nearly 40 children in Group 5 went on a Civil Rights Trip chaperoned by Leila Batties, Simone Devaney, Tiane Doman, Dr. Aeva Doomes, Chevelle Foster, Roxene Kastens, and Jocelyn Sigue.  The Civil Rights Trip includes visits to Morehouse College and Spelman College, Ebenezer Baptist Church, the Center for Civil and Human Rights, the Edmund Pettus Bridge, 16th Street Baptist Church, the Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace and Justice, and the Rosa Parks Museum, among other places.


Our Jacks & Jills as Regional Leaders


In the 1982 to 1983 program year, Nate Brown was elected as the Eastern Region Senior Teen President.  He was the first teen from the Washington, D.C. Chapter to be elected as an Eastern Region Teen Officer. 


In 2012, Victor Leonard (Kim Jeffries Leonard) was elected as the Eastern Region Teen Treasurer.  The following year, he was elected Eastern Region Vice President.  Victor was the first teen from the Washington, D.C. Chapter to hold elected office at the regional level since Nate.  In the 2020 to 2021 program year, Cole Hughes (Erika Martin) served as the Eastern Region Teen Treasurer.


Addison Rose (Tiffany Rose) served as Regional Teen President from 2022 to 2023. In this role, she championed mental health awareness, by hosting a mental health panel during the Eastern Region Teen Conference and a national webinar with a well-known actress, discussing the importance of taking care of our mental health.  She also spearheaded Spread Love the Eastern Region Way, an initiative where teens across the region posted about the different acts of kindness they would spread on Valentines Day.


At the 2012 Eastern Region Teen Conference, Taylor Williamson (Shelley Brazier) won Third Place in the Academic Award and 26 Washington, D.C. Chapter teens were invited to attend the 2012 Jacqueline Moore Bowles Teen Leadership Summit, which kicked off the 40th National Convention in Philadelphia. They received the invitation for completing three leadership modules and three financial literacy modules during the 2011 to 2012 program year. At the 2013 Eastern Region Teen Conference in Boston, Mackenzie Adelberg (Blanche Bruce) was the winner of the Graduating Senior Academic Award; Sarah Marion (Tanya Lumpkins Marion) received the Teen Academic Award; and Gloria Walker (Gloria Lawlah-Walker) won the Distinguished Teen Award


Alex Edwards (Tracy Edwards) won the Eastern Region Oratorical Competition in 2019, with the theme being Black by Popular Demand.  The following year, Addison Rose won the competition speaking on the theme Reclaiming Our Time.  Both were expertly coached by Wendy Gadson and Father’s Auxiliary member Anthony Gadson.


Artwork created by Kai Jones (Kimberly Jones) was selected as the cover of the program for the March 2024 Eastern Region Teen Conference.


Fundraising & Community Service


Each year, in addition to supporting the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, the chapter selects a local charity that serves the underserved African American community in Washington, DC.  Below is a partial list of the chapter’s fundraising beneficiaries:


  • New Community for Children (NCFC) was a community service partner for the 2012 to 2013 program year and was selected as the chapter's fundraising beneficiary for 2012. The chapter donated $10,000 to the organization, which provides before and after-school care for underserved children and families in Washington, DC's Shaw neighborhood. The chapter’s Senior Teens also donated $1,100. The chapter painted and made other improvements to the NCFC facilities on the 2013 MLK Day of Service, and teens from the chapter volunteered to read books to the young people at NCFC throughout the program year.
  • The Washington Tennis & Education Foundation (WTEF) was selected as the chapter's 2013 fundraising beneficiary. WTEF is a premier educational and tennis organization aimed at improving the life prospects of low-income and underserved children through athletics and academic enrichment. The chapter presented its donation of $10,000 to WTEF at an outdoor reception and tennis party on June 2, 2013.
  • The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) was selected as the chapter's 2014 fundraising beneficiary. The chapter donated $10,000 to the organization in honor of one of our young alumnae, Paul R. Webber, V. The chapter hosted a panel discussion on the topic of teen anxiety and depression at Howard University on June 22, 2014.  The panelists included representatives from ADAA, the mental health industry, and the Webber family.
  • Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC) was the 2015 fundraising beneficiary. The organization was presented a gift of $75,000 at the chapter’s 75th Anniversary Gala.  THEARC is a world class, state of the art facility located in Washington, DC’s Ward 8.  THEARC houses 14 non-profit organizations and includes a community theater, black box theater, library and educational space, dance and art studios, and an art gallery.  It supports many of the city’s underserved children and adults who reside east of the Anacostia River.  For many years, THEARC served as the site for JUMOKE.
  • The Butler-Wyatt #2 Clubhouse #2 received $10,000 from the chapter in 2016. Clubhouse #2 is located in the heart of the city on M Street, near the intersection of New York and New Jersey Avenues, N.W.  Located immediately north of the former Sursum Corda community, the activities and network of people affiliated with Clubhouse #2 supported some of the city’s most underserved residents.  In 2012, the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington, the agency charged with managing Clubhouse #2 succumbed to financial challenges from the recession and was forced to shut down their clubs to include Clubhouse #2; but Clubhouse #2 alumni, led by legendary Georgetown Basketball Coach John Thompson, established The Save Bill Butler & Julius Wyatt #2 Clubhouse Fund, and saved the club from closing.  In 2018, Clubhouse #2 was renamed the Butler-Wyatt-Thompson Jr Clubhouse #2.
  • Extraordinary Birthdays was selected as the chapter’s fundraising beneficiary in 2018. This organization transforms the lives of homeless children by creating personalized birthday parties, making the children feel valued.
  • Project GiveBack, a local charity that feeds families suffering from food insecurities and uplifts the community through service was the fundraising beneficiary in 2019.
  • Martha’s Table was the fundraising beneficiary in 2020. Martha’s Table supports strong children, strong families, and strong communities in Washington, DC by offering high-quality education, health and wellness, and family services to residents.
  • Extraordinary Birthdays, Girls Inc. DC, and The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington were the chapter’s fundraising beneficiaries in 2021. The mission of The Boys and Girls Club is to help boys and girls of all backgrounds, especially those who need it most, build confidence, developer character and acquire the skills needed to become productive, civic-minded, responsible adults.
  • College Bound, Guide Right, and Advocates for Justice and Education were the chapter’s fundraising beneficiaries in 2023. ​College Bound, Inc. offers public and public charter school students in grades 8-12 academic enrichment and resources to prepare for and succeed in college. Founded in 1991, the organization offers tutoring, mentoring, ACT/SAT preparation, and academic and career guidance free-of-charge to assist students in the District of Columbia metropolitan area in meeting their post-secondary educational goals.  Guide Right is the National Service Initiative of Kappa Alph Psi Fraternity, Incorporated.  The purpose of the Guide Right Service Program is to place the training, experience and interest of successful men at the disposal of youth, with a focus on developing leadership, creating an achievement mindset, and mentoring.  Guide Right has mentored over 500,000 young people.  It is the oldest, most successful mentoring program for young people of color.  Advocates for Justice and Education seeks to empower families, youth, and the community to be effective advocates to ensure that children and youth, particularly those who have special needs, receive access to appropriate education and health services.


 Awards & Recognitions


At the 2013 Eastern Region Conference in Bermuda, the chapter received the following awards:

  • Chapter of the year / Chapter Excellence Award.
  • Award for best programming activity for the Middle School Civil Rights Trip in June 2013. Twenty-five teens, "tweens" and parents spent three days in Selma, Montgomery, Birmingham, Tuskegee, and Atlanta where they visited sites such as the Sixteenth Baptist Church, the gravesite of Carole Robertson, the site of Bloody Sunday, the Martin Luther King National Historic Site and Spelman and Morehouse College. The tour was loosely modeled on the travels in the children's novel, The Watsons Go to Birmingham by Christopher Paul Curtis, which our Jacks and Jills read before their trip.
  • Top award for Foundation Giving for the largest per capita contribution to the Jack and Jill of America Foundation and the largest contribution in excess of $10,000.
  • Trophy for Outstanding Community Service for a donation in excess of 1,550 pounds of food and $600 cash to a food bank/shelter in support of the Eastern Region community service initiative to address hunger.


At the 2014 Eastern Region Breakfast at the 41st National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, the chapter received the following awards:

  • Programming award for Group 5's STEAM activity at Howard University Hospital.
  • Outstanding Community Service Award for donating in excess of 28,000 pounds of food to persons/families in need in support of the Eastern Region's community service initiative to address hunger.


At the 2018 Eastern Region Breakfast at the 43rd National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, the chapter received the following awards:

  • Superior Program Handbook
  • Program Director of the Year from the Eastern Region – Trian Johnson Sana
  • Eastern Region First Place for Mother’s Foundation Contribution
  • Eastern Region Second Place for Teen’s Foundation Contribution
  • Eastern Region Trailblazer Award for Foundation Contributions (Second place in the region for total Foundation contributions)
  • Eastern Region First Place for Community Service
  • Eastern Region First Place for March of Dimes Contribution
  • Second Place for March of Dimes Contributions – Stacey Stewart


At the 2019 Eastern Region Conference in Jamaica, the chapter received the following awards:

  • Eastern Region First Place for Community Service
  • Excellent Program Book
  • Second Place for March of Dimes Contribution for all Jack & Jill Chapters
  • Eastern Region First Place for March of Dimes Contribution
  • Eastern Region Second Place for Chapter Programming
  • Eastern Region Second Place for Chapter of the Year
  • Eastern Region Third Place for Gavel Club


At the 2020 Eastern Region Breakfast at the 44th National Convention, which took place virtually, the chapter received the following awards:

  • Superior Program Handbook
  • Five Star Chapter Excellence
  • Eastern Region First Place for Community Service for a Large Chapter
  • Eastern Region First Place for Mother’s Foundation Contribution
  • Eastern Region First Place for March of Dimes Contribution


At the 2021 Virtual Eastern Region Conference, the Chapter received the following awards:

  • First Place Foundation Giving for a Mega Chapter
  • Eastern Region Second Place Editor Award
  • Eastern Region Second Place for Best of the Best Programming 2021/2022 Cycle 3
  • Eastern Region First Place for Best of the Best Programming 2021/2022 Cycle 4


At the 2022 Eastern Region Breakfast at the 45th National Convention in Orlando, Florida, the chapter received the following awards:

  • Five Star Chapter Excellence


At the 2023 Eastern Region Conference in Puerto Rico, the chapter received the following awards:

  • Legislative Award


 Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Incorporated


The Washington D.C. Chapter proudly supports the efforts of the Jack and Jill of America Foundation.


Foundation Board of Trustees

Washington, D.C. chapter member Dr. Aeva Gaymon Doomes served on the Jack and Jill of America Foundation Board of Trustees from 2018 to 2024.  She was the driving force behind the establishment of the Jack and Jill College Graduation Assistance Program Fund (GAP Fund), a groundbreaking initiative aimed at ensuring students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) can graduate without the burden of additional financial debt.


The Gap Fund was launched in 2018 with an initial investment of $100,000 benefiting students from the inaugural schools: Prairie View A&M, Houston-Tillotson, Savannah State, and Alcorn State. The number of schools has expanded, and by 2024, the Fund had raised over $1 million and aims to raise $2 million by 2028.  Dr. Gaymon Doomes also initiated and continues to chair Turning of the Tassel, an event held each August in Martha’s Vineyard to raise money for the Fund.


The Thompson Quintuplets

In 1998, Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated made a commitment to provide financial, educational and other support to the Thompson family. At the time, Richard Thompson and his four sisters lived with their mother and three younger siblings in Northeast Washington, D.C. “Our goal was to help them chart a course for their future in the same way we’d want for our own children,” said then National Program Director Gladys Henderson. In the mid-to-late 1990s, the chapter aligned itself with national programs that included the national service project and made a commitment to assist the Thompson Quintuplets family to financially support them as beneficiary recipients. The chapter maintained that support and connection for years. The chapter hosted a small dinner party for the Thompson Quintuplets' 16th birthday on May 8, 2013. Senior Teens Sabrina Ford (Kim Ford), Victor Leonard (Kim Jeffries Leonard), and Jamar Nash (Stephanie Nash) joined Chapter President Leila Batties, Washington, D.C. chapter member Monique Lenoir Pittman, and the Quintuplets -- Stella, Octavia, Emily, Richard and Anna Marie for dinner at Carmine's near Gallery Place. On June 2, 2013, the National Executive Board attended the chapter's reception and tennis party with the WTEF where they were able to meet the Thompson Quintuplets and give them birthday gifts from Jack and Jill chapters from around the county. With Monique Lenoir Pittman serving as the liaison, the chapter and the national organization actively supported the Thompson Quintuplets until they reached the age of 18.



Rhonda Davis Smith originally led the chapter’s support of the Jack and Jill of America Foundation’s partnership with STEM NOLA.  The New Orleans non-profit, founded by former tenured Tulane University engineering professor, Dr. Calvin Mackie, is committed to exposing, inspiring and engaging members of the community into the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) with an emphasis on the city’s underserved communities.  Pinkie Mayfield coordinated the chapter’s support of a virtual STEM NOLA activity on January 23, 2021, where program participants learned about the human heart and circulation system.